Why don’t my kids listen to me - like ever?
Why don’t my kids listen to me? Over the years I have made all of these mistakes and I’ve learned the hard way, so if you can relate then I’m feeling for you. Here are 27 reasons why my kids didn’t listen to me and how to get your kids to listen consistently every time.
The Truth About Long term Benefits of Attachment Parenting
The world has started to realize the importance of attachment parenting, the relationship between a child and parent from a young age – which is great! But how does that affect my teen, more than a decade later? What exactly is attachment parenting and what are the long-term benefits?
Teenage Communication: How to Get your teen to open up to you
You feel like sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get your teen to open up and talk to you. Tell you about their life, their feelings, opinions, about decisions they need to make. And then finally it happens….
They open up and talk…. and talk…. and tell you things. And then…. You mess it up! You say the wrong thing, imply the wrong thing, and end up with a door slammed in your face. Here are the top tools you’ll need for effective teenage communication.
What Anger Management Coaching Looks Like for You
When it comes to anger management for parents it looks different than it would for someone dealing with anger management issues with coworkers or neighbors.
Cuz these are your kids. You love them to pieces and it’s so frustrating when you blow up and explode at them in ways that scare them. Trust me, I know this can happen when you’re parenting! Kids can literally drive you crazy!
I had a bad day today - how to stay calm with the kids
I had a bad day today. No it wasn’t horrible. Nothing tragic happened. But it was a bad day. It’s been over 100 degrees for three days, so of course my AC decided that now was a good time to break. So of course, I ended up losing it with one of my daughters when she pushed my buttons….
….which leads to a lot of parenting guilt… How do I stay calm even though I’m tired and hot and feeling rather miserable?
Natural Consequences: The How, What & When
It’s so important for our children to experience natural consequences in life. As much as we want to protect our children from feeling pain or hurt, natural consequences prepare them for the real world. But how to put them into play practically? Here are the How, What and Whens of natural consequences.
Why Kids Lie and What You Can Do to Stop It
Why kids lie - ever feel like you’re constantly playing detective. Trying to figure out if your child is telling the truth, or at least part of it? Here’s the clues you’ve been looking for.
Clever Ways to manage teen mood swings
When they get into that teenage space, even pre-teen, and you start to see these teen mood swings popping up here and there - sometimes it’s tears, sometimes anger, or just the good old blame game. Ever feel like whatever you do, it’s never enough. Here are some tips to managing the mood swings when they arise.
Thriving Marriage After Having a Baby – How To?
It’s often the shock of every couple when they’re baby is about 8 months old that they’ve hardly spent any time alone together since their infants arrival! Let’s face it, once you have kids you have less resources to nurture your relationship. Less time. Less money. And less freedom.
Here are some gems I’ve gleaned from interviewing countless couples who have growing families and have kept their love alive all the while.
I Hurt My Child in Anger – What Do I Do?
I was 8 months pregnant at the time I’m sure she was overtired and had probably had too much sugar that day – she was just being a wild child. And then she bit me. Right in the stomach. My big round stomach which was super sensitive from carrying an oversize baby.
Right across her cheek. It was like a knee jerk reaction, as if I had no control over it. I didn’t even blink an eye.Then the shock… and the tears…. Not just hers. Mine. Big wet hot tears. I hurt my child in anger. How could I do that? How could this happen?
How to detect a child’s lie in just Seconds
Picture this scenario: Your son comes home hours after soccer practice and you want to know where he’s been. “Oh my bike broke down and I had to bring it over to Mike’s house to get it fixed.”
You look at your son and you’re thinking – hours? Did it really take hours to get it fixed? What was he really doing? Is he getting into something bad that he doesn’t want to tell me about?
How to Discipline a Child with ADHD and ODD
You want to teach your child moral values – but how to delineate right from wrong when his behavior is all over the place with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder)? If you’re busy just trying to survive the day’s tantrums and defiance, how can you ever take the time to concentrate on the values and traits that are important to you?
Here are my top tips for how to discipline a child with ADHD and ODD.
Angry Child: Here's How to Tame the Outbursts in the Moment
Handling kid’s anger is not one of the highlights of parenting! It can be draining, frustrating and even puzzling. And the worst part is when your child’s anger STIRS UP YOUR OWN ANGER AND YOU EXPLODE IN TURN!!!
Here are some practical tips to deal with an angry child’s outbursts in the moment.
How to Create a Safe Haven for Telling the Truth
How to Create a Safe Haven for the Truth in your home? Building moral values for kids is not always an easy feat – especially when it comes to telling the truth! But the honest truth is the biggest barrier to kids not wanting to tell the truth is their not feeling safe to do so. The real work doesn’t begin until you can create a safe haven in your home where your kids will always feel safe to tell the truth.
How to raise Problem Solvers using the power of magic words
A few weeks ago I noticed that my 6-year-old had left his bike out again – on the side of the house instead of putting it away in the garage. Not the first time…. Now trust me, I’m all up for natural consequences, especially when it comes to teaching moral values for kids, but first it’s important to me to teach problem solving for kids to learn important lessons.
10 Brain Games That will Help Your Child with ADHD Thrive
I took one of my then 8-year-old daughter for therapy a couple of years ago. It was a therapy for ADHD that was meant to help her with concentration, attention, and flexibility.
I was rather surprised to see that the entire therapy consisted of playing games!How Fun!But not just any game. Brain games!
Overwhelmed Mom: The Year I Cried Myself to Sleep every night
Someone somewhere needs to hear this... cuz no matter the stage you're in, parenting can be FRUSTRATING!
Years ago, when I had 3 little kids - I was such an overwhelmed mom - I literally cried myself to sleep every single night. This is my story…
8 things NOT to do to get your kid to stop lying
Think of all the times in your life you have lied. What did your parents say? Which reactions did you appreciate and helped you open up and tell the truth the next time? Which responses had the absolute opposite effect?
What about now, when you are the one parenting? And you’re on your ever present quest to teach moral values for kids of every age in your home. What responses have been effective for lying? Here are 8 responses that will NOT get your kid to stop lying.
How to build confidence in children that will last a lifetime
How to build confidence in children that will last a lifetime? Confidence is built up ‘one experience of success at a time’ – not because people may praise you or tell you how well you’ve done, though that doesn’t hurt – but because you have accomplished something you can be proud of. That accomplishment is the great confidence builder, and it will spur you to go out and tackle the world.
How to Be More Confident in Your Parenting
How to Be More Confident in Your Parenting? From tantrums to back talk to getting homework done….
It’s so confusing trying to figure out what to do – and when. Ever feel like you’re messing up the most important job in your life – parenting your precious children?
Here are some confidence building tips I’ve picked up along my journey.