10 Brain Games That will Help Your Child with ADHD Thrive
I took one of my then 8-year-old daughter for therapy a couple of years ago. It was a therapy for ADHD that was meant to help her with concentration, attention, and flexibility.
I was rather surprised to see that the entire therapy consisted of playing games!How Fun!But not just any game. Brain games!
How to build confidence in children that will last a lifetime
How to build confidence in children that will last a lifetime? Confidence is built up ‘one experience of success at a time’ – not because people may praise you or tell you how well you’ve done, though that doesn’t hurt – but because you have accomplished something you can be proud of. That accomplishment is the great confidence builder, and it will spur you to go out and tackle the world.
smart ways for how to deal with toddler tantrums
Do you ever feel totally lost when it comes to dealing with your toddler’s temper tantrums? It’s so humbling!!! You have this little kid – a two-year-old - who is completely controlling you. And you just don’t know what to do. So here are some tops tips for managing toddler tempter tantrums and coming out with your sanity intact!
The Movie to watch with your child who feels different
I don’t go to the movies that often with my kids, but when I do, I try to pick a movie that will have some great moral values to impart for my kids. I find that after we walk out of the theater, the kids are all excited about the movie and we could just talk for hours about what we saw, why the characters did what they did and of course, what we could learn from them. Here’s one movie that I would watch any child who’s feeling different.
3 Easy & Effective tips to improve Social Skills for Children
I want my kids to be happy. Don’t we all? I want my kids to have a good circle of friends, to go to school happy, come home and play with the neighbors, and have play dates over the weekend. Is that too much to ask for? Well apparently yes - for some kids. Social Skills for children who don't have them naturally can be super challenging.