I had a bad day today - how to stay calm with the kids

I had a bad day today. No it wasn’t horrible. Nothing tragic happened. But it was a bad day. It’s been over 100 degrees for three days, so of course my AC decided that now was a good time to break. So of course, I ended up losing it with one of my daughters when she pushed my buttons….

….which leads to a lot of parenting guilt… How do I stay calm even though I’m tired and hot and feeling rather miserable?

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

Thriving Marriage After Having a Baby – How To?

It’s often the shock of every couple when they’re baby is about 8 months old that they’ve hardly spent any time alone together since their infants arrival! Let’s face it, once you have kids you have less resources to nurture your relationship. Less time. Less money. And less freedom.

Here are some gems I’ve gleaned from interviewing countless couples who have growing families and have kept their love alive all the while.

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

How to Be More Confident in Your Parenting

How to Be More Confident in Your Parenting? From tantrums to back talk to getting homework done….

It’s so confusing trying to figure out what to do – and when. Ever feel like you’re messing up the most important job in your life – parenting your precious children?

Here are some confidence building tips I’ve picked up along my journey.

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

ADHD Mom: Tips for Managing ADHD as a Mom

A number of years ago I was bemoaning to a friend that my kids were late to school again and what a big mess my house was again and how I felt like I was all over the place and not managing again.

“Did you ever consider that maybe you have ADHD?” she asked.

I laughed and said “Sure, don’t we all?”

I had never really thought about myself being an ADHD mom.  Isn’t that something that kids have?

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

8 Parenting Books Every Mom and Dad Needs to Read

As much as parenting can be overwhelming, exhausting and confusing, there’s so much we can learn to help us see a new perspective, a new way of thinking and some great tips to make the day in day out easier.

Here are some awesome books that I love. Some of these ideas will resonate more with you than others. That’s ok. That’s what give us all personality and individuality. The main point is to be growing and learning and becoming a better parent every day.

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

How I do It all: House, Meals, Work, Kids, and Me Time

“You have 8 kids? How do you do it all?” I’ve been asked this question many times over the years - how to do it all? Trust me, I know what it means to be an overwhelmed mom, which I was for many years.

Super overwhelmed. I felt like I was walking in circles chasing my tail all day long every day trying to do everything. I never knew where to turn next, or what should be priority. It’s been a long learning curve! But I learned. Here are my tricks for how to do it all!

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

Challenging Child Behavior: How to Raise a Seriously Challenging Child Without losing your mind

Do you ever feel like you can’t even go to the bathroom without someone getting hurt or a major disaster happening? Like there’s constantly a mess, a fight, a ‘world war’ and it never ends? Can I take a guess that you might have a seriously challenging child at home? Whose behaviour can get insane?

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