Working Mom Schedule: A Day in the Life of a Busy Mom of 8
I always wanted a big family.
That’s the truth.
I grew up with only one brother and I was always jealous of my friends who had big families. So, I set out to start my family young (I was not yet 22 when my oldest was born) and have lots of kids.
Here’s where I admit that at some point I realized that having a big family was a lot more work than I ever realized!
That point was when I had 3 kids!
Really! Three kids means you’re outnumbered! Not enough hands!
They all need something different at the same time.
I think I was totally crazy that I didn’t stop or at least slow down after my 4th was born.
But no, I was determined!
So, you can imagine that I needed to relearn an entire new way of running things. I couldn’t just wing it every night for dinner like my mother often did.
I needed to figure out how to manage, learn the systems that would help me keep house, kids and sanity.
Along my learning curve I learned a big lesson. It was the concept: “A home for everything and everything in its home.”
Now, I’ve heard of this before relating to home organizing - that every single item in the house should have a ‘home’ and things should be kept in their ‘home’.
However, the lesson was that this applies to time as well. Meaning every task that I need to do has a ‘home’ in my daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. And if something comes up extra that I need to do that I didn’t plan on, I need to take something else out of my plan.
One in, one out. Just like when you buy a new pair of shoes. New pair in, old pair out. If you just keep buying shoes and buying shoes and never get rid of the old ones, you’ll end up with a seriously overflowing closet.
Same thing with my day. If I just keep packing things into my day and packing them in, the day will be seriously overflowing and someone will suffer, kids, mom or both! (or husband who comes home just at the wrong time and gets all the frustration dumped on him!)
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After a morning Dr.’s appointment my daughter and we stopped off for a treat!
I wanted to give you a window into my daily life as a busy mom, just so you can see how a lot can really be packed into a day in an organized way to still have time for each of your kids and also yourself. Since I learned the hard way, that when we don’t take time out for ourselves, everyone suffers!
I try very hard to get up and get fully dressed with makeup and comfortable shoes before I wake up the kids.
I find it gives me a different feel to my day. Like I'm ready to face whatever happens with energy and bounce to my step.
Then I dress the little ones. Serve breakfast. Finish off lunches. I love slipping Kindness notes in their lunches - just to add an extra smile and boost of inspiration to their day. For me it’s easier to have these notes printed in advance so it doesn’t take up extra time the morning to write them up.
Some of the kids leave to catch their bus, some I drive along with my neighbor’s kids as well (she does the return carpool).
Once a week I put in a shopping hour after dropping off the kids before heading to work. Otherwise right after dropping the kids off once a week this is having coffee with a friend hour, twice a week this is exercise hour, twice a week this is sit in the park and meditate hour.
On my shopping morning, I also try to get most of my errands done and that extends usually an hour or more into my working hours that morning.
Kids doctors’ appointments I try to make first thing AM so they get to school and I get to work by 10am. Otherwise we take the time we can get and work around it.
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I do work from home and I'm my own boss. That can sometimes be hard since I need to keep away from distractions, but it’s also a huge blessing as I’m always here when my kids need me and I don’t need to commute!
Climbing trees at the park! My mom always says how much I loved climbing trees when I was young - I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! (Is that a tree pun?)
I find that making schedules, tasks and due dates is very helpful. I take breaks over the morning to get dinner started or throw in a load of laundry.
Once a week I go to a personal development class I love during these hours. Once a month (at least) I’ll take the day off and go on a fun trip with either a friend or one of my kids (I’ll take one out of school to have special time with me alone).
It could be the beach, a state park, or just shopping or the like.
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When the kids come home it is BUSY!
Talking, homework, playing games, signing papers.
I try to give individual time to each of the 3 little kids during this time and read them stories. But it's pretty busy at this hour.
It's like they all want Mommy to listen to them at once. Can you relate to that?
All warm and yummy in PJs after a bath! Um… I think someone was drawing on their face?!
I love having park hour (weather permitting). I grew up with park hour and I just can't imagine not bringing the kids to the park.
So much fresh air and exercise. Just love it. Often on the way to or from I drive an older kid to an activity or tutor or friend. We get back just in time for some last minute dinner prep.
6pm is Family Dinner together hour for us. I just love the feel of having a family dinner. But I have to say I am extremely flexible. If any of the kids want to be at a friend or have some project etc. I don't mind them missing dinner.
I want it to be an enjoyable family time. Not an obligation.
6:45 About this time I do the little kids bath, PJs, bedtime routine, stories, sing songs, massage, get drinks (5 times 😊)
Check out our Chores and Routines Chart in the shop to help make bedtime fun and easier!
I lie with each of them and give hugs and kisses, tickles and massages. The other kids have chores to do at this time (including preparing their lunch for tomorrow and putting away their own laundry) and homework or they do their own thing (read, play with each other, talk on the phone).
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8:00 This is the time I spend with my middle kids. Homework, reading, sitting outside talking, going for a walk, etc.
Once a week I go to the gym with one of my teenage daughters at this time. Once in a while I go out for the evening to a class or with a friend at this time. In either of these cases I trust my older children to babysit and my middle kids to get themselves to bed.
Then these middle kids head off to bed. I talk to them, massage them, kiss/hug. You know the routine.
Me one night putting on a wig, entertaining my teens and just being a little silly…. :)
This is about when I try to spend time with the teenage kids, sit outside, go on a walk, talk on the couch.
I might do some prep for tomorrow’s lunches (the kids do some prep as a chore) or defrost chicken/meat for tomorrow and check on ingredients for tomorrow’s dinner.
I might check my emails or make some phone calls but I mostly limit these to morning hours.
At some point it's the teenagers bedtime (it’s sometimes a bit late, LOL) I sit with them, talk, some still like a massage.
Me time. Meditate. Read. Music. Say my Positive Parenting Affirmations.
I try my best to not go near my computer or phone or I just get pulled in. (Can you relate?)
I happen to be a single mom, but this used to be husband time as well (among other times during the day).
Even as a busy mom, you can see that I have me time incorporated to my day, my week and my month. To keep me fresh and happy. I also spend a good part of my day working at something I love to do. These things keep me fresh and excited and often I’ll do something with one of my kids one on one that I also love to do. Spending time with the kids isn’t a chore for me.
I want to add something very important here so please listen up.
My youngest is now 3. For many years I was pregnant and nursing (16 years!) When you are pregnant you must get more sleep every night and put at least a short nap time every afternoon in your schedule. Your body needs it.
For new parents, you’ll also not feel good at a certain point, and you’ll be slow moving at other points. That’s just all part of the plan.
You have to take care of yourself. When you’re nursing it also takes a lot out of you and you need to both sleep more and rest more. There will also be points when your baby keeps you up at night so you’ll be even more tired. Also, just in general you need to take into factor all day long in your schedule that you’ll be nursing every so often and that takes time.
When you have a toddler, you’re always running after him, changing him, occupying him, cleaning up his mess and keeping him safe. Don’t expect to cram in as much in a day at these stages.
I’m serious!
People used to tell me this and I would get so frustrated that I didn’t get everything done in a day like I would have liked to. But it’s true. Just slow down and enjoy the process.
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My little guy was making a ‘cake’ on the couch. Look at that smile - so proud of himself! LOL
Do less. Enjoy more.
Before you know it they’ll be gone to Kindergarten and you’ll have all that time to get everything done!
The other really important thing is this:
One of the most important things to have as a parent is a GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR!
When I first started trying to keep to a schedule I would get sooooooo frustrated and annoyed! You try to keep to a schedule and then someone has a temper tantrum, someone make a huge mess, someone has an accident and you need to change their pants.
Just keep laughing!
Take out the camera sometimes (especially with the toddler antics!)
Don’t get upset about the setbacks. Intend to enjoy the ride and roll with the punches!
It’s all part of the fun of raising this amazing clan you call your family!
How do you keep your sense of humor when the toddler antics start and the mess grows?