What Anger Management Coaching Looks Like for You
When it comes to anger management for parents it looks different than it would for someone dealing with anger management issues with coworkers or neighbors.
Cuz these are your kids. You love them to pieces and it’s so frustrating when you blow up and explode at them in ways that scare them. Trust me, I know this can happen when you’re parenting! Kids can literally drive you crazy!
I had a bad day today - how to stay calm with the kids
I had a bad day today. No it wasn’t horrible. Nothing tragic happened. But it was a bad day. It’s been over 100 degrees for three days, so of course my AC decided that now was a good time to break. So of course, I ended up losing it with one of my daughters when she pushed my buttons….
….which leads to a lot of parenting guilt… How do I stay calm even though I’m tired and hot and feeling rather miserable?
Clever Ways to manage teen mood swings
When they get into that teenage space, even pre-teen, and you start to see these teen mood swings popping up here and there - sometimes it’s tears, sometimes anger, or just the good old blame game. Ever feel like whatever you do, it’s never enough. Here are some tips to managing the mood swings when they arise.
I Hurt My Child in Anger – What Do I Do?
I was 8 months pregnant at the time I’m sure she was overtired and had probably had too much sugar that day – she was just being a wild child. And then she bit me. Right in the stomach. My big round stomach which was super sensitive from carrying an oversize baby.
Right across her cheek. It was like a knee jerk reaction, as if I had no control over it. I didn’t even blink an eye.Then the shock… and the tears…. Not just hers. Mine. Big wet hot tears. I hurt my child in anger. How could I do that? How could this happen?
Angry Child: Here's How to Tame the Outbursts in the Moment
Handling kid’s anger is not one of the highlights of parenting! It can be draining, frustrating and even puzzling. And the worst part is when your child’s anger STIRS UP YOUR OWN ANGER AND YOU EXPLODE IN TURN!!!
Here are some practical tips to deal with an angry child’s outbursts in the moment.