how to talk so kids will listen Lisa Fournier how to talk so kids will listen Lisa Fournier

Teenage Communication: How to Get your teen to open up to you

You feel like sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get your teen to open up and talk to you. Tell you about their life, their feelings, opinions, about decisions they need to make. And then finally it happens….

They open up and talk…. and talk…. and tell you things. And then…. You mess it up! You say the wrong thing, imply the wrong thing, and end up with a door slammed in your face. Here are the top tools you’ll need for effective teenage communication.

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personal development for parents Lisa Fournier personal development for parents Lisa Fournier

8 Parenting Books Every Mom and Dad Needs to Read

As much as parenting can be overwhelming, exhausting and confusing, there’s so much we can learn to help us see a new perspective, a new way of thinking and some great tips to make the day in day out easier.

Here are some awesome books that I love. Some of these ideas will resonate more with you than others. That’s ok. That’s what give us all personality and individuality. The main point is to be growing and learning and becoming a better parent every day.

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