anger Management coaching

Whatever It Is, I’m Here For You On Your Personal Journey.

What’s frustrating you most right now? How can I help?

one-on-one anger management coaching!

You’re ready to admit that your anger has gotten the better of you a few too many times… and that it’s negatively impacting your family in ways that you’re not proud of. Let me tell you… you’re not the first parent to feel this way! Life can be overwhelming and so can parenting!


Just picture this: You just yelled at your kids. And I mean, YELLED.

Despite your best efforts at a calm and peaceful parenting day, you lost your cool (again!). Doors were slammed. Words were said. Unfair consequences were given.

It all happened so fast. And now, it’s over and you feel horrible. Guilt is washing over you. This is not the parent you want to be.

But this guilt does not need to paralyze you. It doesn’t need to shut you down or leave you feeling like a failure.

It can actually be the motivation you need to take a step in a positive direction. And that is why you are here!

I do believe that anyone can become a parent without screaming, yelling, dolling out threats and having daily angry outbursts. It takes practice but there are many short cuts that you can learn.

Imagine the satisfying feeling of getting to the end of the day without having blown up even once? Imagine the magnetic peace and calm that you imbibe, knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way without losing it.


“No one told me that I’d be screaming and yelling at my kids and then spending every night feeling guilty about getting angry - yet again - just to end up losing it all over again the next day.”

Some of the tools you’ll learn

anger management coaching

You're Under Attack!

Perhaps it’s your teen, your spouse or even your sister. Whoever it is, they’re coming at you screaming and ranting and boy are they mad!

Here’s where you’ll learn how to stay calm and collected all the while being able to absorb the message that they’re trying to impart so you can help. People naturally reflect the anger that’s being thrown at them, but with these tools you’ll find yourself calmer than ever before.

anger management coaching

It Happens Every Day!

You know your kids are going to do it again tomorrow, just like they did today and yesterday. Whether it’s a mess, fighting or just plain ignoring whatever you happen to be asking them to do.

These can be the most frustrating of situations because they happen every day. This is where we’re going to come up with a plan of action - one that will not only be effective but allow you to keep your cool at the same time!

anger management coaching

Your Own Personal Trigger!

Ever feel like something sets you off that doesn’t make any sense? Like you’re totally overreacting? That’s a good sign that whatever’s happening is triggering you. It might be a reminder of a bad memory from childhood, or another similar bad situation that happened later in life.

We’re going to find the triggers and learn some pretty awesome techniques for moving past them so you don’t react to situations that trigger old memories.


Just Imagine!

how different your life could be if you could respond calmly when your child is testing the boundaries…

How it works.


Your thoughts create your emotions and your emotions create your reality. So if you want to change the reality that you live in, you need to go back and change the thoughts that you’re thinking.

I help my clients find the thoughts that are making them feel frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, and I help them to change those thoughts. This in turn helps them to change the feelings they feel and therefore the actions they take or the words they say.

Often this will take some subconscious mind work - finding core beliefs and reworking them. I’ve been working with alternative healing for more than a decade and a half, and a big part of the healing that is done is with the subconscious mind. This is an incredible journey, and my clients are blown away by the results!

Alongside the subconscious mind work I’ll give you powerful tools to change your outlook and mindset, and in the process uprooting your anger from its core. Each tool is completely tapered to your individual situation.


“The anger management tools that Lisa has taught me in our one-on-one anger management coaching sessions have completely changed my interactions with the people closest to me. Deep seated issues I've had for years have completely changed. In my opinion, these tools are worth a million dollars!”

— Sal Nooristani


Time to get started!

Book your Anger Management Coaching. Don’t spend years feeling guilty.

Spend Them Thriving!



1 one-hour session

One hour of anger management coaching is the right amount of time for me to help you through one particular issue you are having so I can give you the tools you’ll need to remedy the situation.

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3 one-hour sessions

In 3 hours of anger management coaching we can discuss multiple situations that are troubling you - and we’ll be able to do subconscious mind work and put a plan of action into play for you!

Best Value


5 one-hour sessions

In 5 hours of anger management coaching I’ll be able to better get to know your situation in depth, understand the issues you’re facing and set up a long-term plan of action based on your personal needs.